Enchanted EarWings

I have always been fascinated with nature. The cicadas definitely took over the woods where I live so I befriended many of them as I took videos and photographed them up close and personal. Seeing these little buggy’s wings on the ground gave me an idea for painting them like stained glass windows. I always want to see what I can make out of the nature around me. Please Enjoy my Collection below and let me know if you are interested in the Enchanted Cicada EarWings!

Message me what you would like and I will add you to my list. Thank you so much for all the support!

Briana – 706-814-8185



Enchanted Cicada EarWings

You can request a set of these enchanted cicada wings by messaging Briana Alley on
Facebook.com/MrsBrianaAlley or text 706-814-8185.